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david archuletta

Biografi David Archuleta (1)

David Archuleta lahir di Miami, Florida. Ayahnya, Jeff Archuleta adalah seorang pemusik jazz, sedangkan ibunya, Lupe Marie Archuleta ialah seorang penyanyi dan penari yang berasal dari Honduras. Pada usia enam tahun ia dan keluarganya berpindah ke Salt Lake Valley, Sandy, Utah. Sekarang ia dan keluarganya tinggal di Murray, Utah. David Archuleta memiliki empat saudara, Claudia (18), Daniel (14), Jazzy (11) dan Amber (9). David Archuleta masih tercatat sebagai murid Murray High School.
David Archuleta dibesarkan di keluarga yang mencintai musik. Pada usia enam tahun Ia mulai bernyanyi setelah menonton video Les Miserables. Ia tidak dapat berhenti menyanyikan lagu-lagu Les Miserables setelah menonton video tersebut, saat itulah ayahnya, Jeff, mengetahui bahwa anaknya memiliki bakat alami sebagai penyanyi.
Pada usia sepuluh tahun, David menyanyi untuk pertama kalinya dihadapan publik. Ia mengikuti kompetisi menyanyi Utah dan menyanyikan lagu Dolly Parton yang berjudul “ I Will Always Love You “, Ia memperoleh sambutan yang sangat meriah dari penduduk Utah yang menontonnya dan menjuarai kategori anak-anak. Di usia sebelas tahun ia memulai debutnya di televisi pada Jenny Jones Shows dalam episode future latino stars dengan menyanyikan lagu “ And I telling You I’m Not Going”
David Archuleta pernah mengalami kerusakan pita suara akibat penyakit bronkhitis yang menyerangnya setelah ia mengikuti Star Search. Salah satu pita suaranya lumpuh, yang mengakibatnya ia terdengar seperti kesulitan bernafas apabila bernyanyi ataupun berbicara. David pernah ditawari untuk melakukan operasi, tetapi operasi tesebut terlalu beresiko sehingga David memutuskan tidak akan melakukan operasi. Kini Ia merasa bahwa ia telah sembuh total dari penyakitnya.

David sangat menyukai musik-musik John Mayer, Natasha Bedingfield, Sara Barailles, dan Jason Mraz. Dalam wawancaranya yang terbaru di acara The View , 24 Juni 2008, Ia menyebutkan bahwa ia sangat mengidolakan Eva Cassidy. Dalam sesi tanya jawab American Idol ia menyebutkan nama Natalie Cole, Stevie Wonder, Kirk Franklin, dan Bryan Adams sebagai pemusik yang mempengaruhi musiknya. Tamyra Gray, Elliot Yamin, Jennifer Hudson, Jordin Sparks, dan Fantasia sebagai alumni American Idol favoritnya.
Saat kecil, David yang ayahnya ialah pemusik Jazz dan ibunya penyanyi latin banyak mendengarkan musik jazz, gospel, pop, rock dan soul. Sedangkan ibunya sering memainkan musik yang membuat ia dan saudara-saudaranya menari. Selain itu, David juga mengutarakan dalam beberapa wawancara bahwa ia menyukai musik Broadway.

Dengan bakat luar biasa yang dimilikinya, David Archuleta mengikuti kompetisi menyanyi Star Search dan menjadi juara di kategori anak-anak pada usia dua belas tahun. Di Star Search ia bersaing dengan Alexandrea Lushington, yang tenyata mengikuti American Idol bersama David. Ia memperoleh $100.000 sebagai hadiah menjadi juara di Star Search.
Kemenangannya di Star Search membuat David memperoleh kesempatan tampil di The Jenny Jones Show and CBS The Early Show. Selain tampil diberbagai talk show ia juga berkesempatan bertemu kontestan American Idol musim pertama dan menyanyikan lagu “ And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going “ untuk mereka. Seluruh kontestan American Idol terpesona oleh keberanian dan suara yang dimiliki David.
Sayangnya setelah ia mengikuti Star Search ia mengalami bronkhitis yang mengakibatnya salah satu pita suaranya lumpuh. Selain itu hal itu juga menyebabkan David gagal memperoleh kontrak rekaman. Semenjak usia sebelas tahun hingga sekarang David memiliki pelatih vokal pribadi yang merupakan salah satu pelatih vokal ternama Amerika Serikat yang bernama Dean Kaelin. Dean Kaelin membantu proses penyembuhan pita suara David. Selama sakit, David memutuskan untuk mempelajari piano dan menulis beberapa lagu.
Beberapa lagu yang dinyanyikan David sebelum ia mengalami kelumpuhan pita suara 1. A Moment Like This 2. Climb Every Mountain 3. A House Is Not A Home 4. Get Here 5. Who’s Loving You 6. Fallin’ 7. I surrender 8. Wind Beneath My Wings 9. Ain’t No Sunshine 10. Nature Boy 11. Contigo En La Distancia 12. Star-Spangled 13. Banner 14. Don’t Tell Me 15. God Bless America 16. Imagine 17. All I Nedd 18. Dream Sky High....


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Untuk dapat mengunakan aplikasi cuteTube, silakan download dan install melalui OviStore. Harganya cukup terjangkau, $ 2.99 atau sekitar Rp.27.500 yang dibayarkan dengan memotong pulsa Anda.

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Cari video dengan menggunakan fasilitas “Search” atau “Categories”. Ketika Anda memilih sebuah halaman video, halaman tersebut akan memberikan informasi yang sama saat Anda mengakses Youtube vie browser baik dari desktop ataupun ponsel. Anda dapat membaca Informasi tentang video, dan men-tap tap tombol ‘like’ atau ‘dislike’.

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Aplikasi cuteTube memiliki tombol bar dibagian bawah layar untuk back dan untuk tombol menu. Saat mengakses, didalamnya terdapat pilihan uploaded, recommended dan favourite videos lists, the right virtual key has various effects, including selecting all videos in the view, letting you create new playlists and view a list of latest videos from your subscriptions.
Some of cuteTube’s menu options
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Pada halaman My Channel, aplikasi ini akan menampilkan ringkasan info dari akun Anda, dan terdapat enam tombol pada bagian atas. Tombol pertama adalah tombol links kea kun account summary, dan tombol lainnya adalah uploads, recommended videos, favourite videos, your playlists dan your subscriptions.

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Dari halaman akun, Anda akan mendapatkan menu pilihan untuk mengupload video dengan memilih Upload video. Ini merupakan salah satu dari kelebihan aplikasi cuteTube.

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Langkah 14
Dari aplikasi cuteTube, Anda juga dapat berbagi URL video via email (plus Anda dapat mengcopy URL pada clipboard), sayangnya tidak ada pilihan untuk shared ke situs jejaring social seperti yang dimiliki YouTube.

Demikianlah tips untuk mendownload video Youtube pada ponsel  OS symbian anda semoga berman faat  J

Patofisiologi penyakit hematologi klinik

A.      Definisi   :
Pengurangan jumlah,kuantititas hemoglobin dan hematocrit per 100 ml darah.
B.      Manifestasi klinis tergantung :
·         Kecepatan  timbulnya anemia
·         Umur indifidu
·         Manifestasi kompensasi
·         Tingkat aktifitas
·         Keadaan penyakit yang mendasari
·         Parahnys snemis tersebut
C.      Patofisiology :
·         Jumlah eritrosit berkurang  sehingga jumlah O2 ke jaringan atau organ berkurang.
·         Mekanisme kompensai dapat melalui:
1.       Peningkatan curah jantung dan pernafasan à menambah pasokan  O2kejaringan.
2.       Meningkatkan pelepasan O2  oleh hemoglobin
3.       Mengembangkan volume plasma dengan menarik cairan dari sela-sela jaringan
D.      Gejala-gejala:
§  Pucat (kulit,konjungtiva,telapak tangan,warna kuku)
§  Takikardi
§  Gelisah
§  Sesak nafas
§  Cepat lelah saat beraktifitas
§  Sakit kepala
§  Nyeri dada ( angina )
E.       Klasifikasi :
1.       Menurut morfologi
§  Anemia normositik normokromik
§  Anemia makrositik normokromik
§  Anemia mikrositik hipokromik
2.       Menurut etiologi :

§  Peningkata kehilangan eritrosit
§  Anemia defisiensi besi
§  Gangguan/penurunan pembentukan sel.

        I.            Anemia normositik normokromik :
§  Ukuran dan bentuk eritrositnormal
§  Terjadi karena :
1.       Kehilangan jumlah darah yang akut
2.       Penyakit kronis
3.       Gangguan renal
4.       Kegagalan sumsum tulang
5.       Anemia makrositik normokromik
      II.            Anemia makrositik normokromik
§  Ukuran eritrosit membesar, bentuk normal (konsentrasi hemoglobin normal)
§  Terjadi karena :
Gangguan / terhentinya sintesis asam nukleat DNA seperti pada defisiensi vit. B12 atau asam folat, dapat juga pada kondisi post kemotherapy.
    III.            Anemia mikrositik hipokromik
§  Jumlah Hb < normal, ukuran eritrosit < normal
§  Terjadi karena :
1.       Defisiensi fe
2.       Kehilangan darah kronis
3.       Thalasemia (penyakit Hb abnormal congenital)
    IV.            Peningkatan kehilangan eritrosit
Terjadi karena :
·         Pendarahan, trauma tukak , perdarahan kronik pada polip di kolon,
·         Penghancuran sel eritrosit (hemolisis)
      V.            Gangguan/penurunan pembentukan sel :
Terjadi pada :
·         Keganasan yg talkah menyebar (leukemia,kankerpayudara)
·         Obat dan zat toxic
·         Radiasi
·         Penyakit kronik ginjal
·         Kekurangan Fe, vit B12, asam folat
    VI.            Anemia  Aplastika :
Adalah gangguan pada sel-sel induk sumsum tulang sehingga jumlah sel darah tidak cukup sehingga terjadi pansitopenia (AE <, AL <, AT <)
Gejala :
§  Gejala anemia
§  Perdarahan
§  Petekiae
§  Mudah infeksi

  VII.            Anemia defisiensi besi  :
Adalah penurunan kuantitatif sintesa Hb oleh karena defisiensi besi (Fe)
Penyebab :
§  Asupan Fe tidak mencukupi
§  Gangguan adsorbsi
§  Perdarahan yang menetap dan lambat
VIII.            Anemia megaloblastik :
 Adalah anemia makrositik normokromik oleh karena defisiensi vit B12 dan asm folat sehingga sintesis DNA terganggu.
Gejala :
§  Malnutrisi
§  Radang pada lidah
§  Diare
§  anoreksia

The Sukhoi tragedy

Indonesia is mourning the loss of dozens of lives on board the Russian-made Sukhoi 100 Superjet that crashed on Wednesday. The nation agonized overnight while waiting for news after the plane went missing during a demonstration flight.

The Superjet left Jakarta’s Halim Perdanakusuma Airport with 45 people on board. On Thursday morning, we learned the worst had happened. Search and rescue workers found the wreckage of the plane on the slope of Mt. Salak, near Bogor. As of Thursday, there were no signs of survivors, but there is always hope, no matter how slim.

Our hearts go out to the victims of the tragedy and the relatives they left behind. Onboard the plane were senior executives of some of Indonesia’s commercial airline companies, journalists, civil aviation officials, employees of Sukhoi and the Russian embassy.

Sukhoi chose Indonesia as one of the first Asian countries to promote its newest product, the Superjet, marking its debut into the lucrative civilian aircraft business dominated by Boeing of the US and Airbus of the European Union. Indonesia’s airline business is experiencing a boom period, so much so that we have seen the emergence and growth of new commercial carriers, some of which had sent their executives to take part in the Sukhoi flight this week.

We should suspend any judgment about the plane pending the outcome of to official investigation. We know that the plane had acquired certification from the European Union’s aviation authority. We have also learned that the Halim control tower lost all contact with the plane shortly after the pilot requested to descend.

As always, a tragedy of this proportion brings the nation together. This time is no exception. The loss of so many lives is a loss for the entire nation. It was fitting for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to address the issue and express grief on behalf of the nation on Thursday.

We appreciate the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) for its fine and professional handling of the case and for patiently explaining to the anxious public the steps taken to locate the plane. We also place our complete trust and confidence in the National Commission for Transportation Safety (KNKT) in leading the investigation, with the support of the Sukhoi team, to determine the cause of the accident.

add by http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/05/11/editorial-the-sukhoi-tragedy.html

taylor swift biography

Taylor Swift became one of country's brightest (and youngest) faces in 2006, when the 16-year-old released her first album. Although new to the American public, Swift had been performing since her preteen years in Wyomissing, PA, where she first took the stage as part of a children's theater troupe. Encouraged by the troupe's manager to pursue music instead, Swift began performing karaoke songs at a local mall, with open-mike gigs following shortly thereafter. She sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" before a Philadelphia 76ers game at the age of 11; the following year, she began practicing the guitar several hours each day, modeling her early songwriting attempts on crossover artists like Shania Twain and the Dixie Chicks. Swift's parents realized her dedication and began making regular visits to Nashville, TN, where Swift could perform casually and meet with songwriters in the area. The family then decided to move to an outlying Nashville suburb, which accelerated Swift's career.
While performing at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, Swift caught the eye of music industry veteran Scott Borchetta, who signed her to his newly formed label. Swift joined the roster at Big Machine Records and released her debut single, "Tim McGraw," in August 2006. The song drew upon her experience as a lovelorn high-school student, a theme that Swift revisited throughout her self-titled debut album. Released in late 2006, Taylor Swift catapulted the young songwriter to stardom, spawned a handful of hits (five consecutive Top Ten singles, a new record for a female solo artist), and earned multi-platinum status. Swift also received a Grammy nomination for Best New Artist, an award she ultimately lost to Amy Winehouse. Two subsequent EPs -- Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection and Beautiful Eyes -- helped maintain Swift's popularity while she worked on another album, which arrived in November 2008.
Swift's debut record made her a queen in the country world, but 2008's Fearless positioned her as the year's biggest star of any genre. The sophomore album went gold during its first week of release; combined with the sales of its predecessor, it also made Swift the highest-grossing artist of 2008. The accolades increased in 2009, when Fearless went multi-platinum and took home two ACM awards, five American Music Awards, five CMAs, two CMTs, and a controversial trophy at the MTV Video Music Awards (Kanye West infamously stormed the stage during Swift's acceptance speech to throw his support to Beyoncé, claiming she deserved the award instead). Meanwhile, "You Belong with Me" peaked at number two on the pop charts, officially cementing Swift's status as a crossover artist. By the time 2009 drew to a close, Fearless had sold nearly six million copies in America alone, making it the year's best-selling album.
Swift kicked off 2010 by contributing two songs to the Valentine's Day soundtrack. She also made a cameo in the film, playing the high-school sweetheart of her real-life boyfriend, Taylor Lautner. Swift then focused her attention on wrapping up her third album, Speak Now, which she'd written entirely on her own throughout the two previous years.
In November 2010, Speak Now sold more than 1 million copies its first week out to debut at No. 1 on both Billboard's country and all-genres albums charts. Swift embarked on a world tour in February 2011 that took her to countries throughout southeastern Asia and western Europe and continued across the United States and Canada. That same year, the Academy of Country Music proclaimed her its entertainer of the year in a fan-voted poll. She won video of the year honors at the 2011 CMT Music Awards for "Mine."
Swift's Speak Now World Tour included 98 shows in stadiums and arenas in 17 countries around the globe in 2011. She concluded the tour in March 2012 with 12 shows in Australia and New Zealand.
In February 2012, she unveiled "Safe & Sound," a collaboration with the Civil Wars for The Hunger Games film soundtrack. The soundtrack also features Swift's recording of "Eyes Open."

add by http://www.cmt.com/artists/az/swift__taylor/bio.jhtml


We generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us. Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress. Some stresses get you going and they are good for you - without any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health they are bad. In this text we shall be focusing on stress that is bad for you.

Fight or flight response

The way you respond to a challenge may also be a type of stress. Part of your response to a challenge is physiological and affects your physical state. When faced with a challenge or a threat, your body activates resources to protect you - to either get away as fast as you can, or fight. If you are upstairs at home and an earthquake starts, the faster you can get yourself and your family out the more likely you are all to survive. If you need to save somebody's life during that earthquake, by lifting a heavy weight that has fallen on them during the earthquake, you will need components in your body to be activated to give you that extra strength - that extra push.

Our fight-or-flight response is our body's sympathetic nervous system reacting to a stressful event. Our body produces larger quantities of the chemicals cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline, which trigger a higher heart rate, heightened muscle preparedness, sweating, and alertness - all these factors help us protect ourselves in a dangerous or challenging situation.

Non-essential body functions slow down, such as our digestive and immune systems when we are in fight-or flight response mode. All resources can then be concentrated on rapid breathing, blood flow, alertness and muscle use.

So, let's recap, when we are stressed the following happens:
  • Blood pressure rises
  • Breathing becomes more rapid
  • Digestive system slows down
  • Heart rate (pulse) rises
  • Immune system goes down
  • Muscles become tense
  • We do not sleep (heightened state of alertness)
Most of us have varying interpretations of what stress is about and what matters. Some of us focus on what happens to us, such as breaking a bone or getting a promotion, while others think more about the event itself. What really matters are our thoughts about the situations in which we find ourselves.

We are continually sizing up situations that confront us in life. We assess each situation, deciding whether something is a threat, how we can deal with it and what resources we can use. If we conclude that the required resources needed to effectively deal with a situation are beyond what we have available, we say that that situation is stressful - and we react with a classical stress response. On the other hand, if we decide our available resources and skills are more than enough to deal with a situation, it is not seen as stressful to us.

We all respond differently to a given situation for three main reasons
    1. We do not all interpret each situation in the same way.
    2. Because of this, we do not all call on the same resources for each situation
    3. We do not all have the same resources and skills.
Some situations which are not negative ones may still be perceived as stressful. This is because we think we are not completely prepared to cope with them effectively. Examples being: having a baby, moving to a nicer house, and being promoted. Having a baby is usually a wonderful thing, so is being promoted or moving to a nicer house. But, moving house is a well-known source of stress.

It is important to learn that what matters more than the event itself is usually our thoughts about the event when we are trying to manage stress. How you see that stressful event will be the largest single factor that impacts on your physical and mental health. Your interpretation of events and challenges in life may decide whether they are invigorating or harmful for you.

A persistently negative response to challenges will eventually have a negative effect on your health and happiness. Experts say people who tend to perceive things negatively need to understand themselves and their reactions to stress-provoking situations better. Then they can learn to manage stress more successfully.

Some of the effects of stress on your body, your thoughts and feelings, and on your behavior:

Effect on your body
Effect on your thoughts and feelings
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Depression
  • Feeling of insecurity
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritability
  • Problem concentrating
  • Restlessness
  • Sadness
  • Fatigue
Effect on your behavior
  • Eating too much
  • Eating too little
  • Food cravings
  • Sudden angry outbursts
  • Drug abuse
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Higher tobacco consumption
  • Social withdrawal
  • Frequent crying
  • Relationship problems

What are the causes of stress?

We all react differently to stressful situations. What one person finds stressful another may not at all. Almost anything can cause stress and it has different triggers. For some people, on some occasions, just thinking about something, or several small things that accumulate, can cause stress.

The most common causes of stress are:
  • Bereavement
  • Family problems
  • Financial matters
  • Illness
  • Job issues
  • Lack of time
  • Moving home
  • Relationships (including divorce)
The following are also causes of stress
  • Abortion
  • Becoming a mother or a father
  • Conflicts in the workplace
  • Driving in bad traffic
  • Fear of crime
  • Losing your job
  • Miscarriage
  • Noisy neighbors
  • Overcrowding
  • Pollution
  • Pregnancy
  • Retirement
  • Too much noise
  • Uncertainty (awaiting laboratory test results, academic exam results, job interview results, etc)
It is possible that a person feels stressed and no clear cause is identified. A feeling of frustration, anxiety and depression can make some people feel stressed more easily than others.

Diagnosis of stress

A good primary care physician (GP - General Practitioner) should be able to diagnose stress based on the patient's symptoms alone. Some doctors may wish to run some tests, such as a blood or urine, or a health assessment.

The diagnosis of stress depends on many factors and is complex, say experts. A wide range of approaches to stress diagnosis have been used by health care professionals, such as the use of questionnaires, biochemical measures, and physiological techniques. Experts add that the majority of these methods are subject to experimental error and should be viewed with caution. The most practicable way to diagnose stress and its effects on a person is through a comprehensive, stress-oriented, face-to-face interview.

How to deal with stress

There are three broad methods you can follow to treat stress, they include self-help, self management, and medication.

Self help for treating stress
    Exercise - exercise has been proven to have a beneficial effect on a person's mental and physical state. For many people exercise is an extremely effective stress buster.

    Division of labor - try to delegate your responsibilities at work, or share them. If you make yourself indispensable the likelihood of your feeling highly stressed is significantly greater.

    Assertiveness - don't say yes to everything. If you can't do something well, or if something is not your responsibility, try to seek ways of not agreeing to do them.

    Alcohol and drugs - alcohol and drugs will not help you manage your stress better. Either stop consuming them completely, or cut down.

    Caffeine - if your consumption of coffee and other drinks which contain caffeine is high, cut down.

    Nutrition - eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet.

    Time - make sure you set aside some time each day just for yourself. Use that time to organize your life, relax, and pursue your own interests.

    Breathing - there are some effective breathing techniques which will slow down your system and help you relax.

    Talk - talk to you family, friends, work colleagues and your boss. Express your thoughts and worries.

    Seek professional help - if the stress is affecting the way you function; go and see your doctor. Heightened stress for prolonged periods can be bad for your physical and mental health.

    Relaxation techniques - mediation, massage, or yoga have been known to greatly help people with stress.

Stress management techniques

Stress management can help you to either remove or change the source of stress, alter the way you view a stressful event, lower the impact that stress might have on your body, and teach you alternative ways of coping. Stress management therapy will have the objective of pursuing one or more of these approaches.

Stress management techniques can be gained if you read self-help books, or attend a stress management course. You can also seek the help of a counselor or psychotherapist for personal development or therapy sessions.

Many therapies which help you relax, such as aromatherapy, or reflexology, may have a beneficial effect.

ADD BY http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/145855.php


Stress merupakan keadaan di mana kita merasa sangat penat, terbebani, dan perasaan yang tidak karuhan. Mulai dari anak kecil sampai orang dewasa pun bisa mengalami stress, hanya saja pada anak-anak mungkin tidak sesering orang dewasa yang biasanya sering mengalami stress karena pusing terlalu banyak pekerjaan.

Berikut ada beberapa tips, 10 Cara Mengatasi Stress:

1. Berpikir Positif
Optimisme dapat menangkal dampak negatif stres, ketegangan dan kecemasan telah di sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda dan kesejahteraan. Sangat penting untuk mengelilingi diri dengan orang-orang positif. Getaran negatif dari teman-teman dan rekan kerja dapat menyebar, sehingga sulit bagi Anda untuk bersantai. Lihatlah situasi tertentu berbeda. Mungkin cara Anda mencari mungkin menyebabkan tekanan yang banyak.
2. Tidur
Aktivitas ini bisa dibilang efektif. Mendapatkan tidur nyenyak yang cukup memiliki dampak besar pada tingkat stres Anda. Fungsi kekebalan dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit pun bangkit.
Tidur tidak hanya mengurangi tingkat pemulihan Anda. Tapi ingat, ini bsia juga meningkatkan tingkat stres dalam tubuh Anda jika kadarnya berlebih. Jadi, jangan kesiangan karena ini akan membuat Anda bertambah lesu.
3. Tertawa
Tawa luka stres dan mempromosikan relaksasi. Itu, pada gilirannya, membantu sel-sel kekebalan tubuh berfungsi lebih baik. Temukan humor dalam hal-hal dan terlibat dalam aktivitas yang membuat Anda tertawa untuk meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit.

4. Olahraga
Latihan akan merevitalisasi tubuh dan pikiran Anda dan Anda akan siap untuk menghadapi apa pun. Olahraga teratur dan aktivitas fisik tidak hanya memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh, sistem kardiovaskular, jantung, otot dan tulang, tetapi juga membantu dalam manajemen stres dengan menyediakan gangguan dari situasi stres dan meningkatkan endorfin (merasa-baik tubuh kimia).
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 20 menit setiap hari adalah semua yang diperlukan untuk pengalaman manfaat. Jadi mendapatkan beberapa memompa darah dan melepaskan beberapa endorfin.
5. Meditasi
Meditasi sangat bagus tidak hanya untuk menghilangkan stres, tetapi juga untuk relaksasi otot. Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa meditasi dapat membantu dalam menurunkan tekanan darah.
Cobalah mulai sekarang renungkan untuk memanggil energi positif. Caranya mudah, cukup hanya mengambil nafas panjang dan mengosongkan pikiran Anda. Lakukan meditasi10 menit saja dan reguk manfaatnya.

6. Dengarkan Musik
Apakah Anda terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas atau bersiap untuk hari yang berat di tempat kerja, mendengarkan musik favorit Anda merupakan metode yang bagus untuk mengurangi stres dan menghilangkan kecemasan.
Musik yang menenangkan dapat memiliki efek relaksasi pada gelisah, tegang pikiran. Hal ini juga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, memperlambat pernapasan dan detak jantung. Cari tahu apa jenis musik yang bisa membantu Anda bekerja yang terbaik dan kemudian membuat koleksi musik untuk membantu Anda rileks dan merasa baik.

7. Pandai-pandailah bersyukur
Bersyukur merupakan cara yang paling ampuh dalam mengatasi stress, bagaimana tidak. karena pada umumnya orang mengalami stress karena tidak kuat dengan apa yang telah terjadi atau keadaan yang menimpanya. Dengan bersyukur kita akan senantiasa ingat bahwa segala sesuatu yang kita peroleh merupakan pemberian dari ALLAH SWT dan seyogyanya kita terima dan kita kerjakan dengan rasa ikhlas.

8. Libatkan indera Anda
Aroma tertentu dapat memiliki efek, menenangkan relaksasi pada keadaan pikiran Anda. Anda dapat mencoba menempatkan lilin lavender, lemon atau chamomile beraroma di sekitar rumah atau kantor Anda. Anda juga dapat menggunakan salah satu dari aroma di kamar mandi Anda.

9. Minum teh hijau
Teh hijau mengandung asam amino, Theanine, yang membantu dalam produksi dan pelepasan bahan kimia yang disebut Dopamin. Kedua Dopamin dan Theanine merangsang perasaan kesejahteraan di dalam tubuh. Namun, kafein dapat memperburuk respon stres, jadi hindari minuman berkafein.

10. Pijat
Pijat seluruh tubuh membantu untuk melepaskan ketegangan dan rasa sakit dari stres otot tegang. Jika Anda tidak pernah mengalami pijat, Anda akan kehilangan salah satu hal paling indah dalam hidup.

Semoga artikel 10 Cara Mengatasi Stress di atas bermanfaat bagi anda :)

"What Makes You Beautiful"

You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,
Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful
So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,
Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful 
 If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
 Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

WHICH ONE BETTER? Samsung Galaxy vs. Apple iPhone

Samsung Galaxy vs. Apple iPhone: Business Features

Samsung’s Galaxy S phone looks like a winner, and it's in the league of such competition as the popular Apple iPhone 4G. Samsung advertises the new Galaxy as the most powerful multimedia smartphone ever.
If either of these handsets appears promising for your work, should you join the throngs of iPhone 4G buyers, or wait for the Samsung Galaxy S lineup? Here's what sets the two hyped smartphones apart.
The iPhone 4, at $199 for 16GB and $299 for 32GB, remains available only with AT&T service--despite rumors that Verizon will support it--a barrier if you want a flashy new handset but hold a contract with a different provider. The Galaxy S, on the other hand, is available this summer from five wireless providers, each releasing and servicing the device under a different alias and form.
T-Mobile is calling its Galaxy S the Samsung Vibrant, and will start selling it July 21 for $199. The Verizon version is called the Fascinate, release date and price still unknown. Sprint has chosen the name Epic 4G, U.S. Cellular is undecided on a name, and AT&T is going with the Samsung Captivate--prices and release dates also unknown. Each vendor will offer the Samsung Galaxy’s standard features plus a few extra, custom bells and whistles to set their devices apart from the others.
The Samsung Galaxy S phones and the Apple iPhone 4 all feature multitouch screens, 5MP cameras, GPS, and 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi.
Each handset offers different, yet comparable operating systems and processors. The Galaxy uses the Android 2.1 (upgradeable to yet-unveiled 2.2) OS and the iPhone uses Apple’s iOS4. The iPhone has the 1GHz Apple A4 processor and the Galaxy comes equipped with the 1GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird processor.
Each device scores winning points in several other areas; for example, the Galaxy uses a Capacitive Super AMOLED display and the iPhone comes with the Capacitive Retina IPS display; however, the resolution on the iPhone is 640x960 pixels and the Galaxy only provides 480x800 pixels.
Differences in Core Features
Internal memory includes 16GB or 32GB on the iPhone, and a smaller 8GB or 16GB on the Galaxy, but only the Galaxy can be expanded another 32GB through a microSD card slot.
For the office, the Samsung Galaxy S series can handle the work. The capability to store more music and photos, unless you're in the entertainment business, or own a music store or a photo studio, is just icing on the cake. The real benefit is that since the phone can hold so much data, you can travel with the assurance that everything you need is on it.
The Galaxy S touts better Bluetooth--3.0 with A2DP on the Galaxy, and 2.1 with A2DP on the iPhone. The Galaxy also has an FM radio and Adobe Flash support with the 2.2 update; the iPhone lacks both.
As far as size and weight, the differences are negligible. The iPhone wins on size with dimensions of 115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3mm, compared to the Galaxy’s 122.4 x 64.2 x 9.9mm. But, the Galaxy weighs less at 118 grams, while the iPhone is 137 grams.
Apple says talk time is up to seven hours with 300 hours of standby time. Samsung claims 6.5 hours of talk time and 576 standby hours.
Buyers of the iPhone 4G, however, are already suffering due to an antenna issue that is causing calls to drop over the globe. The antenna on this device is a thin band that wraps around the phone. When users hold the phone a certain way, their hands block the antenna and they lose the signal. The other issue is that the iPhone overheats and drops calls, freezes apps, and creates several other navigational problems.
Apple will definitely lose points on these problems. We won't know until the Galaxy S models reach the masses if similar glitches would mar it.
It wouldn't be fair to compare devices and mention all of the Galaxy S's hot features without the glitches. Critics of the Galaxy S line say it has a cheap plastic case with noisy buttons that vibrate, a weaker GPS signal than expected, and some downloading problems. However, the GPS and download issues seem to be a local concern, which Samsung has supposedly already addressed.
Galaxy Carrier Variations
As T-Mobile‘s Vibrant, the Galaxy comes pre-loaded with Amazon Kindle for Android and a MobiTV app for live and on-demand programming, plus an external 2GB memory card. This carrier also provides its HSPA+ network, which is claiming 4G-equivalent speeds.
Sprint is advertising a front-facing camera for video calling capabilities and a full slide-out QWERTY keyboard on its Epic 4G. So far, US Cellular has mentioned enhanced touchscreen options for its Galaxy S version, but that’s all I have heard to date. However, I am certain the other service providers will unveil other special features with their releases.
As far as comparing individual applications for each phone, you'll have to research based on the phone, OS, and service provider. One cool Android app that 's great for typing in a rush is Swype, which would enable you to glide your fingers across the Galaxy S touchscreen keyboard to spell words rather than tapping on the screen, as with usual usage or with the iPhone.
Business Benefits
For the office, the Samsung Galaxy S expanded memory slot is a plus. In addition, the TV-out support on the Galaxy means you can display a slide-show presentation from your phone, say, to any of your clients' televisions. And we thought the iPads and netbooks were efficient. In addition, the Galaxy's camera takes 720p HD videos, so you could, for instance, point and shoot videos of seminars, training events, conferences, sales meetings, negotiations, depositions, and then press a few buttons and send the videos back to the office or to another customer.
Before you make a company-wide purchase, though, be sure to closely examine the service provider’s special features, prices, and service plans. Amazon Kindle, a slide-out keyboard, or enhanced touchscreen options on a Galaxy model might be enough reason for some to change carriers or phones. The available business apps for the Android or iOS4 should also factor into any buying decision.
And, if all else fails to impress, there’s always Blackberry.

ADD BY http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/200071/samsung_galaxy_vs_apple_iphone_business_features.html