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Say goodbye to your mouse and keyboard.

Leap represents an entirely new way to interact with your computers. It’s more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen.  For the first time, you can control a computer in three dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements.
This isn’t a game system that roughly maps your hand movements.  The Leap technology is 200 times more accurate than anything else on the market — at any price point. Just about the size of a flash drive, the Leap can distinguish your individual fingers and track your movements down to a 1/100th of a millimeter.
This is like day one of the mouse.  Except, no one needs an instruction manual for their hands.

Get ready, get set, go.

We asked one simple question: ‘What feels natural?’. Using a Leap is easy.  And the next thing you know, a swipe in the air leads to a swipe of the page.  So that nice LED display remains clean and untouched, as it should be.
Setup is just as intuitive.  Plug the LEAP into a USB port.  Load the Leap Motion software. Do a quick wave to calibrate. That’s it.
In minutes, you’ll be able to interact with your desktop using natural hand and finger movements.
It sounds too good to be true, we know.  But, that’s what we specialize in around here.

We are changing the world

Two or three hundred thousands lines of code later, we’ve figured out how to use the Leap to create an interaction space around your computer, in 3D.  Able to distinguish thumbs from fingers, and even handheld items like pencils.  This allows users to interact like never before, using only natural movements.
And we went a step further. You will be able to create custom gestures that fit how you want to use your computer. You can even network more than one Leap device, to create even larger interaction areas.
We’ve been able to link Leap to dozens of applications and operating systems.
But this is just the beginning.  As our development community builds, who knows what the future holds?



What exactly is The Leap?
The Leap is a small iPod sized USB peripheral that creates a 3D interaction space of 8 cubic feet to precisely interact with and control software on your laptop or desktop computer. It’s like being able to reach into the computer and pull out information as easily as reaching into a cookie jar.
The Leap senses your individual hand and finger movements independently, as well as items like a pen. In fact, it’s 200x more sensitive than existing touch-free products and technologies. It’s the difference between sensing an arm swiping through the air and being able to create a precise digital signature with a fingertip or pen.
What can I do with The Leap? 
The possibilities are endless, really. Computer power has grown exponentially over the years, but the way we interact with those computers has not. With LEAP, virtually every kind of application, across every industry, can be re-imagined.
Art. Healthcare. Engineering. Operating Systems.  Gaming. If you can imagine it, we’re pretty confident there’s a remarkable member of our developer community who is already working to create it.
What is Leap Motion technology?
Leap Motion technology is a breakthrough in computer interaction, using a patented mathematical approach to 3D, touch-free motion sensing and motion control software that’s unlike anything that currently exists on the market or in academia. Developed over the past 4 years, Leap Motion moves far beyond the current technologies designed for distant arm waving.
How much does The Leap cost?
The Leap will retail for $69.99, and a limited number are currently available for pre-order at LeapMotion.com.
How does The Leap impact computing?
For decades people have been given a dream of what computers would be – from Star Trek holosuites to Tom Cruise swiping through Minority Report’s 3D computer interface. But it’s never made it out of the lab and into real life – until now. The ability to control any computer with nuanced hand and finger movements will fundamentally transform the way people interact with computers.
Who is The Leap ideal for?
Everyone! We envision a day in the near future when our motion control technology will be used in most consumer products – not just computers, but cars, appliances, medical devices, light switches and more. There are already many great uses for a variety of people.
  • Artists and creative types can use The Leap to emulate a stylus or easily create 3D images.
  • Anyone can use The Leap to interact with Windows 7/8 or Mac OS X by clicking, grabbing, scrolling and using familiar gestures like pinch to zoom in 3D space.
  • Users pointing a pen at the signature line of a document to sign it in space.
  • Engineers can interact more easily with 3D modeling software.
  • Gamers can play more easily and many will modify with Leap in mind.
  • Surgeons can control 3D medical data with their hands without taking off their gloves.
Who is LEAP? How did you get started?
The original inspiration behind Leap came from our frustration with 3D modeling— something that took 10 seconds in real life would take 30 minutes with a computer.  Molding virtual clay with a computer should be as easy as molding clay in the real world. The mouse and keyboard were simply getting in the way.
Could we figure out a way to control computers in a better, more natural way—and without settling for the limitations of available technology? After four years of hard work, we’ve got the answer. Now it’s time to have fun.
What makes Leap Motion stand out?
Leap Motion is the only technology focused on bringing motion control to the desktop – rather than trying to take what’s been built for TV (large gesture sensing) and make it work for computers. We incorporate natural motions and finger tracking in far greater detail and sensitivity, than any product on the market. The Leap is ~100x more accurate than any other motion sensing/natural user interface on Earth.
How do I pre-order a LEAP?
We have a limited number available for our first shipment this winter. Early birds catch the worm – so click here to order. We won’t charge you until the product is ready to ship.
How can I get a free developer kit?
We’re distributing thousands of kits to qualified developers, because, well, we want to see what kinds of incredible things you can all do with our technology. So wow us. Actually, register to get the SDK and a free Leap device first, and then wow us.
Do you support windows?
Yes! We also support native touch emulation for Windows 8.
How about Linux?
Linux support is on the agenda.
When do dev-kits ship
Depending on which batch you’re in; anywhere from 1-3 months.
What are the tech specifications for the LEAP?
What if I have a question that is not covered here?
We have full-time staff dedicated to community outreach. Write community@leapmotion.com.
Why does Leap Motion matter? What problem do you solve?
Computers have always been remarkable. The ways we’ve connected to those computers, however, have always struck us as clunky. Typing? Seriously? That’s fine for writing a novel. But it’s hardly the most natural, intuitive way to communicate.
It may seem unorthodox, but remember: all the big innovations have been viewed that way, too. Wireless. The horseless carriage.
Who are your partners?
Our partners include many of the world’s largest companies. In the consumer electronics space for example, we expect to integrate our technology into tablets, smart phones, laptops and game systems.
Tell me about the Leap Motion team.
Our initial technology breakthrough came from co-founder and CTO David Holz. David was working on a PhD in mathematics from UNC Chapel Hill and left to pursue Leap Motion. Before that, he was conducting research for NASA on fluid mechanics.
Michael Buckwald is the CEO and co-founder. Prior to founding Leap Motion, Michael was the CEO of Zazuba.com.
Michael and Dave are childhood friends from Florida.

tips memilih parcel lebaran

Tips Memilih Parcel Lebaran

"Tradisi mengirimkan bingkisan parcel di hari lebaran menjadi lahan bisnis bagi pelaku usaha parcel musiman skala rumah tangga maupun produsen parcel skala besar"

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Lebaran telah tiba, inilah moment tepat untuk saling mengeratkan silaturahmi, berkumpul bersama keluarga dan juga mengunjungi kerabat serta sahabat. Menyambut hari raya Idul Fitri, sebagian masyarakat terbiasa melengkapi moment suci ini dengan bingkisan parcel untuk diberikan pada orang-orang terkasih.
Tradisi inilah yang sering dijadikan sebagai peluang bisnis bagi para pelaku usaha parcel musiman skala rumah tangga maupun produsen parcel skala besar. Parcel yang ditawarkan pun sangat beragam mulai dari parcel produk makanan, parcel aneka souvenir, sampai parcel pecah belah.
Banyaknya pedagang parcel yang bermunculan pada moment lebaran memang membuat kita memiliki banyak pilihan dari segi harga dan jenis parcel yang diinginkan. Namun jangan salah, banyaknya produk parcel yang ditawarkan membuat kita juga harus ekstra hati-hati dalam memilihnya, apalagi untuk jenis parcel yang berisi produk makanan. Tidak semua makanan yang ada di dalam parcel tersebut dari produk halal, jadi bagi masyarakat muslim wajib bagi kita untuk cermat dan teliti sebelum membeli parcel.
Agar Anda tidak salah memilih produk parcel, berikut ini kami berikan tips memilih parcel lebaran yang dapat membantu Anda dalam mempersiapkan parcel di hari spesial. 
1.Amati Produk
       Parcel biasanya disajikan dengan cara ditumpuk kemudian di tata dalam keranjang dan dikemas menggunakan plastik transparan. Ini kadang sedikit mempersulit kita dalam mengamati isi parcel tersebut. Usahakan cari parcel yang dapat kita lihat dengan jelas apa saja produk makanan di dalamnya. 
2.Label Halal
      Untuk menjamin kehalalan produk makanan pilihlah produk makanan yang memiliki label MUI. Namun Anda juga harus berhati-hati karena sekarang juga ada logo halal yang belum tentu berdasarkan sertifikasi halal MUI.
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Kini banyak produk makanan asing yang masuk ke Indonesia dengan ingredients (bahan) yang sulit di baca dan di pahami. Biasanya terjadi pada makanan yang berasal dari Cina, Korea dan lain-lain. Untuk menghindari keraguan mengenai kehalalan produk tersebut, lebih baik tidak memilih produk ini dengan alasan keamanan dan kenyamanan penerima parcel.
        Kemasan fisik merupakan hal yang paling mudah diamati. Perhatikan benar tampilan kemasannya apakah rusak, penyok, berkarat dan pada produk kaleng bisa terjadi menggembung atau bocor. Karena kemasan memiliki fungsi sebagai pelindung produk di dalamnya, jadi jika kemasan luarnya rusak maka bisa dipastikan produk di dalamnya pun dikhawatirkan tidak layak konsumsi.
         Informasi batas penggunaan produk atau tanggal kadaluarsa sangat penting pada sebuah produk. Ini adalah salah satu point penting yang menentukan layak tidaknya produk tersebut digunakan. Teliti benar sebelum membeli karena biasanya informasi tersebut di cantumkan dengan tulisan kecil.
        Legalitas sebuah produk biasanya terlihat dari ada atau tidak adanya nomor MD, ML maupun SP dari produk tersebut. Nomor ini dikeluarkan oleh BPOM yang menunjukan izin kelayakan makanan tersebut untuk dikonsumsi dan diedarkan kepada masyarakat luas.
Nah, setelah membahas beberapa tips penting dalam memilih parcel. Kini saatnya Anda mempraktekannya langsung sebelum menjalankan bisnis parcel lebaran. Manfaatkan peluang pasar yang ada, dan dapatkan untung yang sebesar-besarnya. Selamat berkarya dan salam sukses.

with me - sum 41

I don’t want this moment to ever end
Where everythings nothing without you
I’ll wait here forever just to, to see you smile
’Cause it’s true, I am nothing without you

Through it all, I made my mistakes
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words
I want you to know
With everything I won’t let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I’ll hold on to this moment you know, ’cause I’d bleed my heart out to show
And I won’t let go
Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
Pieces of memories fall to the ground
I know what I didn’t have so, I won’t let this go
’Cause it’s true, I am nothing without you
All the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go
I’ve come to an end
I want you to know
With everything I won’t let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I’ll hold on to this moment you know, ’cause I’d bleed my heart out to show
And I won’t let go
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you don’t know what you’re looking to find
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find (what you will find)
I don’t want this moment to ever end
Where everythings nothing without you
I want you to know
With everything I won’t let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I’ll hold on to this moment you know, ’cause I’d bleed my heart out to show
And I won’t let go (I want you to know)
With everything I won’t let this go, these words are my heart and soul
I’ll hold on to this moment you know, ’cause I’d bleed my heart out to show
And I won’t let go


Di anak tangga ke-1, ada sehelai mawar kering
Di anak tangga ke-2, ada boneka beruang yang kehilangan kepalanya
Di anak tangga ke-3, ada ceceran darah
Di anak tangga ke-4, ada sepotong tangan yang menggenggam surat cinta
Di anak tangga ke-5, ada sebuah liontin foto
Di anak tangga ke-6, ada sepasang sepatu mungil
Di anak tangga ke-7, ada anak perempuan yang tertidur
Di anak tangga ke-8, ada kucing yang menggigit ekornya
Di anak tangga ke-9, ada anak laki-laki yang mencari teman bermain
Di anak tangga ke berapa kamu akan berhenti?

Eris dan Oriel adalah dua orang anak perempuan kakak-beradik. Karena suatu hal, mereka dititipkan pada keluarga paman dan bibinya. Seperti yang selalu terjadi, di tempat tinggal barunya ini Eris diperlakukan dengan dingin. Sebaliknya, Oriel sang adik mendapat perlakuan istimewa. Eris yang sudah terbiasa, tidak ambil pusing dengan hal ini.
Di sekolah barunya, Eris berteman dengan Reed. Dalam waktu singkat, mereka telah menjadi akrab, sehingga Oriel merasa agak kesepian. Sementara itu, Eris sebagai anak baru, ditantang oleh teman2nya untuk menaruh pin sekolah di tangga rumah keluarga Leister, yang konon berhantu!
Suatu hari, Eris yang mood-nya sedang sangat buruk, berdiam diri di kamar. Ketika Oriel masuk, tanpa pikir panjang ia mengucapkan sesuatu yang menyakitkan, sehingga Oriel langsung berkelebat pergi. Ketika Oriel sedang berteduh dari hujan di teras rumah keluarga Leister, tiba2 pintu di belakangnya terbuka. Dan dari dalam rumah yang seharusnya kosong itu terdengar suara… Hey! Main yuk…


>> Eris
Anak yang cenderung menutup diri akibat perlakuan orang2 di sekitarnya. Eris merupakan anak ibunya dengan pria lain, meskipun ia telah menikah. Karena itulah, keberadaan Eris sering memicu pertengkaran ayah-ibunya, sehingga ia seperti seseorang yang ‘tidak diinginkan’ oleh keluarganya. Eris memiliki ‘kompleks’ terhadap Oriel, membenci sekaligus menyayangi sang adik…

>> Oriel
Adik Eris yang berumur 10 tahun. Oriel sebenarnya hanyalah anak angkat, namun ia sangat disayang oleh ayah, ibu, dan anggota keluarga besar mereka. Gadis kecil ini sangat menyayangi kakaknya, bahkan ia tidak ragu-ragu menentang siapapun yang menyakiti sang kakak.

>> Reed
Teman sekelas Eris, yang entah kenapa bisa sangat klop dengan gadis itu. Ia tidak percaya ada ‘hantu’ di rumah Leister. Reed memiliki teori sendiri, bahwa isu hantu maupun teka-teki anak tangga di rumah itu ada hubungannya dengan peristiwa pembunuhan bertahun-tahun silam.

End Note:
Seperti biasa, EKYU menghadirkan kisah yang beraura kelam. Judul ‘morte’ sendiri, dalam bahasa Perancis, Itali, dan Portugis, berarti ‘kematian’. Artwork dalam MORTE memiliki ciri khas tersendiri. Kisah ini juga memiliki plot dan alur yang baik, hanya kadang ada bagian yang susah dimengerti.